Please contact reception for further details.
In-clinic consultation €60
Phone consultation €50
Review in-clinic after phone consultation €30
24hr blood pressure monitor €75
3rd level student with card €50
B12 injection €30
Blood test €35
Consultation & nebuliser €80
Consultation & tetanus €70
Consultation with nurse €30
Nurse dressing €30
Driving license group 1 €55
Driving license group 2 €65
ECG & interpretation €50
Female full STD screen (no smear) €90
Male full STD screen €100
Private smear + HPV test €175
We provide a number of other services including but not limited to: insurance medicals, solicitor reports, vaccinations and health screening medicals. Call us to learn more.
We offer the following free state covered services: under 6 GP care, childhood immunisations, medical card services and combined care for maternity patients.